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Stop Hiding You

Being free in who I’am is embracing me, all of it. I love that.


Chileee listening to ‘Embracing single season’ by Les from the Balanced Black Girl Podcast, I did a whole lot of reflecting. I realized in relationships I hid my voice, I hid who I was as a person. It’s crazy because although I hid who I was, I always knew who I was through the little girl within me (pass), my gut instincts (present) and the Holy Spirit (future). Instead of embracing who I was, who I am and who I was becoming, I often deflected it to make the relationship work. When I knew the truth of what I wanted, desired and needed, I didn’t have the courage to embrace it. So I would avoid, ignore, mute and downplay what I knew, what I felt and what I needed to feel seen, heard or value. I believed if I held onto the potential then what I desire could come into fruition. WRONG, I now understand I can’t change nobody but myself for the better, I can’t save nobody but myself for the better, I can’t be who someone wants me to be, I can only be who I’m destined to be. All attention isn’t good attention and I’m still working on that. What I know for sure was that hiding me led to a lot of unwanted, uncomfortable and unnecessary relationships, but embracing me always led to relationships that had the fruits of the spirits (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control). Honoring the fruits of the spirits, I learned to be okay with me and that’s when my clarity, abundance and purpose aligned. I learned to trust my voice, listen to my voice and now embrace my voice. Embracing my voice allowed me to expose my truest self. Exposure is a decision made when my voice isn’t suppressed, when my feelings aren't swallowed and when my emotions aren’t ignored. Being free in who I’am is embracing me, all of it. I love that. TUH now I’m honoring that. It’s okay to be me.

Cadedra Burks

Stop Hiding You

Evaluation Sunday Blog


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