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What’s not working for you?


Chileeeee the episode ‘Rewind: Storytelling + Discovering Your Identity in Wellness with Zuri Adele snatch my edges. The gem dropping that was happening in the episode legit transformed how I’m choosing to move forward with life. They pose three questions, ‘What’s not working for you?’ and ‘What rejection is weighing on you and what has that rejected experience taught you?’ Pause, take a deep breath and let those questions settle in your spirit. As we wrap up 2021, one of my hardest years of life ever, I’m reminded that no matter what I go through I’m a daughter of the king and today we are wrapped as a gift to Him. As I recognize the gift of who I’am in Him, I learned to listen to me. Listen to how I feel, what I think, what I know, what I receive and so forth. Allow the spirit to guide you in that self reflection. In the episode they pointed out you don’t always have to know the why or how, just trust that it is going to happen. That statement liberated me. Like the episode stated furthermore, I have to allow my grace to be louder than the grief. My grief started to overflow because I was starting to allow the stigma of my rejection to be louder than how far I came. That mindset and everything associated with it, is and was not working for me. My body insecurities are teaching me the endurance of transformation. A part of me feels defeated and also defensive. My body is transitioning and it’s changing who I am for the better, but I want to be more patient through it. God gave me this journey to release, rest, and then revive. I’m trusting the outcome without having to know the why and the how of my revival. I just know it’s destined and everything I deserve will be realigned because of my alignment with God. I’m the gift of his presence and I want to honor it by honoring him within me. Merry Christmas 🎄

Cadedra Burks


Evaluation Sunday Blog


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