The number 7 derives much of its meaning from being tied directly to God's creation of all things
Note to self: Allow myself permission to do this, God sees me as a force. Giving myself permission to allow God to use me in His mission has been a struggle for me. This major life change has me battling between what was and the processing of accepting what’s now. I thought it would be a smooth sail, but it’s a lifestyle shift. A shift in MINDing my business in choices, changes, circumstances, consumptions and challenges. It’s being intentional about my vulnerability while impacting my community. It’s giving Colin Kaepernick vibes. When good goes hard, you go harder —SJR. It’s funny how I watch a video of me giving myself permission to live the life destined for me. Let me break it down; I said I wanted to become a FT Self Care Coach in 2021, I did that. 7 is on my vision board and that’s when my life began. I moved out of my apartment, gave up my job and pursued my dreams. The number 7 derives much of its meaning from being tied directly to God's creation of all things. I have the word ‘Impact’ on my vision board:I started being more vulnerable in my work, in my relationships and in my community. I created and cultivated a Self Care Workshop Series to educate, engage & empower wellness in black women’s mind, body, soul and spirit to become a source in self liberation, healthy lifestyle & community. My theme was ‘Power’: I have prosperity in my faith, complete surrender, obedience, healing and stillness. Whewww. God’s 1st of course is the center of my vision board: I got baptized, found a church home in Pittsburgh and reunited with my childhood church home. I got intentional with trusting, believing and healing with God, not as a task but a need. Feel it, work it, show it on my vision board, represent showing up and being comfortable with who I’am. PeriodT. Healing coach represented the ‘Love Story’ portion that helped change my views on a healthy relationship, healthy love and healthy dating again.Trauma to triumph is a reflection of what I been through and now what I healed through. Win represents wellness and that wellness is luxury. Food represents a vegan lifestyle. Last thing I noticed was the Self Care Lifestyle Box which represents me unwrapping my purpose. Tuh, this was a reminder that I had the permission, I just needed to adjust to it. And babyyyy I AM
Cadedra Burks
Evaluation Sunday Blog