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Be Present in TASTING Your Medicine

Being you is necessary and an essential to this world as medicine


When was the last time you got a taste of your own medicine? Somebody cues Queen Naija Medicine Song

Taste of flavors from sweet, sour, salty, bitter or umami can be like a variety of emotions 

What triggered your sour side?

What empowers your sweet side?

What enhances your bitter side?

What changes your salty side?

What amplifies your umami side? 

When you become aware of how to check in with your feelings you become more intelligent, regulated and mature 

In order to strengthen our soul self care we have to practice getting a taste of our own medicine 

When we have a taste of our own medicine, it provides a safe space for us to accept, affirm, aspire and access our being 

Being you is necessary and an essential to this world as medicine 

Affirm: I’m the love, necessary to produce medicine 

Cadedra Burks

Be Present in TASTING Your Medicine 

Evaluation Sunday Blog 



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